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TASCE Library is the “academic-backbone” of the college. It has varieties of collections relevant to the programmes and courses offered by the college.

The College Library is headed by Mr Okoye C.J  and supported with professional and para-professional staff.

The library holding is growing leaps and bounds. The college is proud of its collections as the collections cater adequately for the information needs of staff, students and other users of the library.

The college library is internet enabled and users can access the internet facilities via cable and Wi-Fi connection. It also has e-library facility accessible in the library. 


To be an excellent information resource centre for all level educators, leveraging on people, technology and global best practices in providing access to information resources.


    • To build relevant collections, to meet the information needs of the College community.
    • To promote greater utilisation of library services for learning and research using current technology and global best practices.
    • To provide access to information services and resources to professional educators, nationally and internationally.
    • To facilitate access to information resources beyond the College collections through library collaboration, linkages and interlibrary loan.


    • The Main Library

The main library in Tai Solarin College of Education is called college library. It has capacity to seat 500 users at a go and collections of 25,000 volumes of books. The college library holdings is growing leaps and bounds both in books, journals, reference materials made available in print and digital format. In line with global best practices, the college main library host an e-library comprising books, audio, videos, and journals articles both local and foreign. The main library shall continue to grow these collections in line with the needs of the users and make them available both in the library and online. College library serves as coordinating body to all other libraries in the College.

    • School Libraries

The college also operate school libraries in all the schools in the college. The school libraries shall grow their collections individually to support the collections in the main library. They shall have staff-librarian to be appointed by the Head of Department, assisted by a student-librarian to be voted in or appointed by the students. The Staff and Student-librarian shall manage the collection and report back to the Head of Departments and the College Librarian when need be.

    • e-library

This is a pool of electronic resources of the library ranging from e-books, e-journals, diagrams, pictures etc.
Follow this link to experience the e-library.

Library Services

The college library carry out the following services:

    • Circulation:  Users borrow and return library materials at Circulation table. Library statistics are also collated and made available at circulation.
    • Reference and Information Services:  The Library provide response to users query.
    • User-Education: User-education services such as use of library, how to write term papers are provided to users from time to time.
    • Awareness and Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) services are provided by the Readers’ Services Department.
    • Indexing Services: Library perform indexing of library materials through the Technical Services Department. Topical indexing of newspapers are also done from time to time at the Serial Section.
    • Compilation and Maintenance of Statistics of its Services: Statistics such as, numbers of users, book consulted, registered users, etc. are kept and made available for researcher at request.
    • Information Search: Users who request for assistance to search for information in the library and online from library staff are obliged.
    • Reprographic Services: Photocopies of articles from journals and reference materials are done at the Reprographic Section of the library especially when such materials are prohibited from being taken out the library.
    • Publication of guides/rules for users
    • Referral services and inter-library loan
    • Liasing with the academic/administrative departments

Lending Policy

The loan policy shall be two (2) books for students and three (3) books for staff for duration of three days for students and one week for staff respectively. This may be renewed once, if the user still needs the material.

Opening Hours

The college library opens Monday-Friday between 8am-4pm. During examination, the college library opens Monday-Friday between 8am-6pm.

A warning bell will be sounded 5 minutes to the closing time to signal to users the need to wind up. Whenever an adjustment is made in the opening hours, a notice shall be issued to that effect.